Analiza i Egzystencja (Jan 2020)

Estetyzacja rzeczywistości – skutek dobrobytu czy upadek wartości? Analiza i krytyka poglądów Wolfganga Welsch’a względem procesu estetyzacji

  • Kamil Kociołek

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 52


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The article is a polemic with Wolfgang Welsch's criticism of the aestheticization process presented in his article entitled ‘Aestheticization Processes. Phenomena, Distinctions and Prospects’. Its purpose is to show that arguments suggesting a negative assessment of this phenomenon are unfounded and the aestheticization should be rather treated as a sign of human civilization welfare which revealing favourable perspectives than as a problem threatens a degeneration or the fall of values. In the first part of the text, I present the definition of aestheticization and some examples of it. Next, I analyse the potentially negative consequences of this process and fears about its further development pointed out by Welsch. I argue that the aestheticization is a positive phenomenon because people may care of aesthetic values only after satisfying more basic needs. The real consequence of this process is a better understanding of the reality, as the aestheticization emphasizes its immanent susceptibility to modelling which simultaneously enhance a possibilities of influencing on it by the human will. Therefore, instead of a danger for humanity, aestheticization may become a breakthrough in the development of our civilization.
