Mäetagused (Apr 2022)
Oskar Looritsa liivi folkloori kogu
The Estonian Folklore Archives of the Estonian Literary Museum hold a valuable collection of Livonian ethnography and folklore – Oskar Loorits’ collection of Livonian folklore. Oskar Loorits started his journey to Livonians and the Livonian language in 1920, when he participated in a Livonian expedition in Courland as an assistant to Lauri Kettunen, professor of Finnic languages at the University of Tartu. His great interest in Livonians and the Livonian language, Livonian ethnography and folklore developed during this expedition. The Livonian folklore collection is valuable material concerned with the Livonian language and culture. The materials were mostly collected in the 1920s from 12 Livonian villages. The article provides an overview of the collection that physically consists of folders and file boxes in quarter format. The materials include both Livonian folklore texts and their translations. An important component part is the Livonian ethnographic dictionary. In 2013, the digitalization of materials started. The entire physical collection and its partially digitized materials are available to anyone interested. Tuuli Tuisk on Tartu Ülikooli läänemeresoome keelte foneetika teadur, kes kaitses oma doktoritöö TÜ eesti ja üldkeeleteaduse instituudis 2015. aastal. Tema teaduslik uurimishuvi on seotud eeskätt liivi keele hääldusega, samuti teiste lähedaste sugulaskeelte (eesti, vepsa) hääldusjoontega. 2006. aastast on ta olnud tegev eesti keele spontaanse kõne foneetilise korpuse juures. Ta on ka TÜ eesti murrete ja sugulaskeelte arhiivi administraator.