América Latina Hoy (Sep 2020)
Crisis of the delegative Republic. The constitution of new political actors in Argentina (2001-2003): neighbourhood and popular assemblies
The 19th and 2Oth December 2001, Argentina lived the rnost important social protest of its recent democratic history. During the first months of the protest, the irresolution of the institutional re-equilibriurn opened the political opportunities for the conformation of a new political actor, the assemblies movement, the one that would becorne a central actor until the institutional re-accommodation with the April 2003 presidential election. Is our goal to study from its origin in all its complexity the novel characteristics that this movement will assume. For this, we will support our study in the ethnographic observation done on the cases of the Asamblea Vecinal de Palermo Viejo and the Asamblea Popular Cid Campeador, from January 2002 to February 2003 . These cases can be considered representatives of the two groups that will compose the movement, defining their identity, organizational structure, as well as the repertoires of collective action that we will analyze in this article.