Uluslararası Türk Lehçe Araştırmaları Dergisi (Dec 2023)
Phrases in uzbek turkic
Phrases are the strongest building blocks of syntax, which is the main structure of a language. In other words, phrases form syntax. In this sense, the structures and diversity of phrases, approaches and classifications on this subject are, in a way, indicators that reveal the logic of that language. In this study, considering that they are the building blocks of the language and their role in syntax, the phrases in Uzbek Turkic will be discussed both within themselves and sometimes in comparison with Turkey Turkish. In studies aimed at determining the commonalities between branches of the Turkic language, it is very important to identify the unique structures of dialects and present them comparatively. In this context, beyond vocabulary, natural unity between words is one of the strongest evidence showing the commonality of origin of the Turkic language. It has been determined that there are high similarities between the two major branches of the Turkic language in terms of phrases. The main difference in this field is the logic of handling phrases and classification methods. As can be understood from the overall study, a significant part of the terms expressing phrases in Uzbek Turkic are terms derived from words of Turkic origin. In this sense, it seems possible to exchange terms. Likewise, mutual benefits are possible in terms of methods. It would be beneficial to increase such studies in determining the common roots of the Turkic language and evolving it towards a common language in the future.