Reumatismo (Jun 2001)

Malar rash in a painting by Jean-Baptiste Siméon Chardin (1699-1779)

  • P. Marson,
  • R. Rondinone,
  • M. Vicarioto

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 53, no. 2


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In the present report we describe a typical malar rash, as painted by Jean-Baptiste Siméon Chardin (1699-1779), French painter, one of the greatest of the 18th century, on the face of a child in “Le Bénédicité” (Hermitage, St. Petersburg). Three versions of this theme were more completed by Chardin, in various times of his life, but the malar eruption can be seen solely on the painting at the Hermitage. In the attempt to clarify, on a diagnostic ground, such a cutaneous abnormality, the relationships between systemic lupus erythematosus and parvovirus B19 infection, i.e. the causative agent of fifth disease, are briefly discussed.