Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift (May 2013)
Finns det en föreställning om gudomliggörelse hos Martin Luther? ”Den nya finska tolkningen av Luther” och en kritisk diskussion av dess betydelse i nutida teologi
The ”New Finnish interpretation of Luther” has attracted a great deal of attention within Lutheran theology, particularly that kind of Lutheran theology that works with ecumenical matters. Two discoveries made by Tuomo Mannermaa have, thanks to his followers, played an important role in several current issues. Firstly, Mannerma established the real-ontic knowledge theory, secondly he showed that Luther has a conception of human deification. Three of Mannermaa's students, Risto Saarinen, Simo Peura and Antti Raunio, have in different ways discussed the Lutheran meaning of Christ being present in faith itself. The new Finnish interpretation of Luther has received both positive and negative criticism. Most of the positive reactions are from the United States, from Robert W. Jenson, Carl E. Braaten and from representatives from the Evangelic-Catholic movement in this country. There are however also Swedish voices who state that the Finnish understanding of Luther could be applied constructively in Nordic theology of today. The critics have often stated that Luther's comments on the real presence of Christ in faith are too few and furthermore limited to his early works to be significant for his structuring of the Christian faith. There are reasons to think that the new Finnish interpretation of Luther would benefit from clarifying its own philosophical terminology, foremost regarding the term real-ontic. In addition, it would be useful to investigate Luther's balancing between Thomistic and nominalistic philosophy in a way that combines the precision of theological history with present discussions about the relationship between theology and philosophical trends.