Gallia (Dec 2018)

Les Reliades au Puy-en-Velay (Haute-Loire) : un édicule funéraire en matériaux périssables du début du iie s. apr. J.-C.

  • Bertrand Bonaventure,
  • Marie-Josée Ancel

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 75
pp. 87 – 101


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During a rescue excavation carried out in 2012 on the site of Les Reliades in Le Puy-en-Velay (Haute-Loire), a small funerary monument built on wooden poles dated to the second century was unearthed. This discovery constitutes a first opportunity to study ancient funerary practices in this still poorly-known sector of Vellave. More generally, it attests to wooden funerary architecture, which is still rarely documented in Gaul.