Ученые записки Казанского университета: Серия Гуманитарные науки (Oct 2023)
The Formation of the Hoplite Militia in Athens
This article considers how the draft to the Athenian hoplite army was organized in the 5th–4th centuries B.C. The available historical sources do not describe the conscription system for hoplites until the 5th century B.C., so its functioning in the archaic period remains unknown. Interestingly, the conscription of hoplites was generally determined by the structure of the civilian part of Athenian society. It could have appeared with the introduction of the phalanx in Athens under Solon and finally took shape after the reforms of Cleisthenes. Over time, this original conscription system underwent major changes: at first, it was based on the conscription lists compiled by each phyle, i.e., the lists of citizens who were to be drafted for a particular campaign; later, the conscription was held by the eponyms, i.e., only citizens of certain age groups were drafted for service. The results obtained show that the new system must have been introduced between 386 and 366 B.C. The conclusion is made that the old conscription system was changed to improve the military structure of the polis.