Mondes du Tourisme (Dec 2010)
De la station au territoire : quels contours pour les destinations touristiques ?
In the context of post-tourism, ski resorts located near urban areas are a laboratory observation of broader trends. In the context of suburbanization, the interpenetration of the spheres of tourism and daily life is exacerbated. Fragmentation of stay (reduced to one to three days, or even to day trippers) and new forms of daily migration are often more marked there. These dynamics strongly influence the evolution of the economic model of the resorts based on the long stay holidays. In this paper, we propose to analyze this phenomenon in terms of local anchorage, traditionally regarded as an adaptation factor. Through two contrasted case studies in the periphery of Grenoble, Sept-Laux and Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse, we will show how this anchoring can also be an adaptive variable.