中西医结合护理 (Jun 2023)
Progress in clinical application of music therapy and relaxation training (放松训练及音乐疗法在临床的应用进展)
Music therapy and relaxation training could be applied as a form of non-pharmacologic treatment, and are becoming multi-discipline-crossing edge subject which consist of medicine, nursing and psychology. This paper reviewed the clinical studies on music therapy and relaxation training and summarized current situation of clinical application in relieving negative emotions, improve sleep quality, relieving pain and improving rehabilitation of psychical and mental health, and provided reference for further clinical research. (放松训练及音乐疗法是临床上一种非药物治疗措施, 逐渐成为一门集医疗、护理、心理为一体的交叉边缘性学科。本文通过整理近年来放松训练及音乐疗法在临床各类疾病中的应用, 针对其相关概述、作用机理以进行概括, 总结其在改善负性情绪、提高睡眠质量、减轻疼痛、促进机体恢复等方面的应用现状, 以期为今后进一步的临床研究提供依据。)