Journal of Curriculum Studies (Mar 2014)
課程改革與課程學者的角色與責任 Curriculum Reform and the Roles and Responsibilities of Curriculum Scholars
課程改革不只處理知識的分配問題,更涉及到主體、權力與價值等的重新定位問題。在課程改革過程中,課程學者應該扮演什麼樣的角色?負有哪些責任?這些問題是本研究探討的焦點。本研究的研究目的主要有下列三項:一、探討課程改革與課程學者的關係;二、從「左派份子與右派份子」之間、「陌生人與熟悉者」之間、「局內人與局外人」之間、「游牧民與莊稼漢」之間,在這些不同的身分立場之間,探討課程學者的多維度、多面向角色樣貌;三、探討課程改革過程中,課程學者應有的責任。研究者最後提出課程學者在課程改革過程中,應負有三種責任,分別為:學術責任、倫理責任、社會責任。Curriculum reform not only deals with the problem for knowledge distribution, but that it is related to the problem for redisposition of subject, power and values. What are the roles and responsibilities of curriculum scholars in curriculum reform? The question is important in this article. This article has three purposes: (1) To discuss the relationship of curriculum reform and curriculum scholars. (2) To discuss the multiple roles of curriculum scholars between leftist and rightist, between stranger and familiar, between insider and outsider, and between nomad and farmer. (3) To discuss the responsibilities of curriculum scholars in curriculum reform. Finally, the author poses three responsibilities of curriculum scholars in curriculum reform, which are: academic responsibility, ethical responsibility, and social responsibility.