Journal of Rehabilitation (Oct 2005)
Musculoskeletal Chest Pain in Pateints with Normal Cardiac Evaluations
Objective: Musculoskeletal chest pain is a common referral to emergency departments and general practitioners. The terms of costochondritis and musculoskeletal chestpains are often used synonymously. The basis for such diagnosis is held by exclusion. Purpose: To evaluate the presence of musculoskeletal apparatus pain in patients with angina pectoris, despite their normal cardiac evaluations. Materials & Methods: 971 patients referred for angina pectoris or chest pain were prospectively collected.Cardiac evaluations included: as history, physical exams, ECG-Chest X Ray, Echocardiography, perfusion scan and angiography as needed. One hundred patients with musculoskeletal symptoms along with normal cardiac evaluations were investigated .This group were examined by experienced physiatrists, history, physical exam, Cervical x ray, EMG/NCS and laboratory were also done in later group. Results: According to our study 10.3 % of patients with chest pain presentations had musculoskeletal rather than any cardiac problems. From 100 patients with musculoskeletal chest pain, mean age of 43.2, with 71% women.38% of them have left scapular pain and 60 % of them have tender points with high frequency in posterior neck muscle and humeral lat epicondyle. Prevalence of abnormal EMG/NCS was 35%, mostly cervical radiculopathy and abnormal cervical x ray was 26%, mostly DJD of cervical spine. Conclusion: This article reviews the causes of musculoskeletal chest pain and suggests an approach to any chest pain its needs more evaluation and more precise management. The results show an association, but not a causal link between musculoskeletal dysfunction and atypical chest pain. A careful physiatric examination including spinal movements and palpation for tendernes are suggested to be performed.