Les actions de « formation en situation de travail » : notes critiques sur une formule qui s’est imposée dans le champ de la formation
While the law of 5 September 2018 made the action of workplace training (Afest) a formal training modality eligible for public funding, this article proposes to look back at the public discourses that accompanied this recognition and the successes of the ‘formula’. Is Afest the object of the often-staged craze? When we examine the speeches made in the fortnightly magazine specialising in continuing education, Inffo Formation, we are struck by their consensual nature. Afest is unanimously presented as a useful and attractive innovation. Such an agreement invites us to question the attractions and challenges of this new legal provision as well as of the experimentation that made it possible to formalise it, and, from a programmatic perspective, to estimate whether the declared intentions have any chance of being realised. The questions thus raised are social, economic, political and educational.