Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem ()

The teaching approach on communicative skills in different teaching methodologies

  • Karime Rodrigues Emilio de Oliveira,
  • Monica Martins Trovo,
  • Amanda Creste Martins da Costa Ribeiro Risso,
  • Eliana Mara Braga



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ABSTRACT Objective: to understand, from the perspective of professors, which are the facilities and difficulties in the development of communication skills in nursing undergraduates who experiment different teaching-learning methodologies. Method: qualitative research performed with 30 nursing professors from two public education institutions. The data was collected by semi-structured individual interview with guiding questions. We used Bardin's content analysis for the data processing and analysis. Results: the development of communication skills is influenced by factors such as the experience of practical activities, students' individual characteristics, use of active methodologies, access to the mass media, relationship of proximity between student and professor, and knowledge of theoretical concepts of communication and nursing. Final considerations: there is similarity between the influential factors, however, the use of active methodologies seems to favor the development of communication skills.
