National Journal of Community Medicine (Apr 2022)

Physical Activity and Diet as a Perceived Panacea to Mental Illness of Women in India: Reality Check

  • Sumita Sharma,
  • Lipilekha Patnaik,
  • Trilochan Sahu,
  • Sumitra Pattanaik

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 04


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Looking towards the evidence of physical activityand dietary effect on mental health, a massive search of literatures was done and it was concluded that, lifestyle behavioral practices like yoga, exercises and healthy food intake enhances self-esteem capacity and promotes a healthy life by balancing emotions and cognition with daily hurdles.The narration reports the means of preventing mental illness like depression, anxiety and stress among married women through the light of physical activity and diet. However,lack ofexercise and negligence towards mainstreaming of mental health services in primary health care raises the burden of common mental disorders in the community.
