Novìtnâ Osvìta (Jul 2019)
The article deals with the analysis of the addressee’s factor foregrounding in the limerick discourse. The study demonstrates that the limerick discourse is characterised by an addresser-writer’s and an addressee-reader/listener’s reciprocality via idiosyncratic protagonists portrayed by an addresser-writer. A limerick presents a laconic mini-story that describes a certain comic and ridiculous situation or event that happened in the life of an unconventional character with no less absurd and unexpected outcome. The limerick discourse comprises two types of communication − the one between an addresser-writer and an addressee-reader/listener through the text of the limerick, and the other − dialogues between protagonists. The limerick discourse is marked by a minimum length of phrases, an associative conjecture, varied stylistic devices, which include an irony, a play of words, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, alliteration and others, expressive syntax constructions aimed at producing an anticipated pragmatic effect on an addressee-reader/listener. Socio-cultural, mental stereotypes and an addresser-writer’s voiced attitude to the information content are traced clearly in the limerick discourse, though broad context allows various interpretations by an addressee-reader/listener. Besides, rhyme and rhythm play an important part in an addressee’s emotional and semantic reception of a limerick. The correct pausation pattern and the right tempo of a limerick enhance an addressee’s percipiency.