SAGE Open Nursing (Aug 2019)
Experiences With Stress Among African American Men Living With Type 2 Diabetes: A Qualitative Inquiry
Self-managing type 2 diabetes (T2D) is critical but often presents a challenge among African American men. Stress may exacerbate both mental and physical problems, which can lead to poor self-management; however, the evidence is sparse. The purpose of this manuscript is to examine the relationship the role of stress in type 2 diabetes management among a prospective group of African American men living in the southern United States. Nineteen African American men with T2D were recruited from barbershops and churches. Interviews were conducted using a semi structured interview guide. Transcripts were analyzed using a phenomenological approach and focused on identifying common themes describing the responses regarding any stress that the participants have pertaining to living with and managing T2D. The themes that emerged from the participant responses are: (a) experiencing less stress, (b) stress not attributed from diabetes, (c) avoid thinking about stress, and (d) some stress is prevalent. Overall, participants expressed either that diabetes was not attributing to the stress that they have or that they have less stress than they did prior to being diagnosed with T2D. In this sample of African American men, stress became a factor for some participants when considering the complications that can occur from diabetes. These findings suggest the need for key considerations to only incorporate general information about diabetes and stress management, but should be gender and culturally relevant to African American men.