Cadernos de Saúde Pública (Apr 2003)

Estado nutricional de crianças índias do Alto Xingu em 1980 e 1992 e evolução pondero-estatural entre o primeiro e o quarto anos de vida Nutritional status of indigenous children from the Alto Xingu in 1980 and 1992 and follow-up of weight and height from the first through the fourth years of life

  • Mauro Batista de Morais,
  • Ulysses Fagundes Neto,
  • Ângela Peixoto de Mattos,
  • Roberto Geraldo Baruzzi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19, no. 2
pp. 543 – 550


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Os objetivos deste estudo realizado com a população infantil do Alto Xingu foram: (1) analisar a evolução do peso e da estatura entre o primeiro e o quarto anos de vida, (2) comparar o estado nutricional em 1980 e 1992. Avaliaram-se o peso e a estatura de: (1) 81 crianças no primeiro e no quarto ano de vida; (2) 264 crianças avaliadas em 1980 e de 172 em 1992 (idade This study focused on the under-five population of the Alto Xingu region in Brazil, with the following objectives: (1) to evaluate height and weight increment from the first through the fourth years of life and (2) to compare nutritional status in 1980 and 1992. Height and weight increases were evaluated in 81 children. Weight and height were measured in 264 children evaluated in 1980 and in 172 in 1992 (< 10 years of age). Median Z-scores in the first and fourth years of life, respectively, showed: (1) a decrease in weight-for-age, (-0.12 in the first year and -0.51 in the fourth year of life; p = 0.002); (2) a decrease in weight-for-height (+1.31 and +0.08; p < 0.001); (3) an increase in height-for-age (-1.50 and -0.94; p < 0.001). Median Z-scores in 1980 and 1992 showed: (1) no change in weight-for-age (-0.61 in 1980 and -0.62 in 1992; p = 0.90); (2) no change in weight-for-height (+0.27 and +0.34; p = 0.10); and (3) a decrease in height-for-age (-1.04 and -1.22; p = 0.02). Height-for-age increased and weight-for-height decreased between the first and fourth years of life. A decrease in height-for-age was observed from 1980 to 1992, demonstrating the importance of nutritional surveillance among the population of the Alto Xingu.
