РМЖ. Мать и дитя (Feb 2020)
The experience with management of pregnancy in women after solid organ transplantation in multidisciplinary hospitals
M.A. Lysenko1, L.Yu. Artyukhina1, I.Yu. Kokaya1, P.V. Kozlov2, I.P. Osokin1 1City Clinical Hospital No. 52, Moscow, Russian Federation 2Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation Worldwide diffusion of transplantation technologies provides both the recovery of impaired organ functions and the realization of reproductive function. Much experience with the management of these women resulting in the positive perinatal outcome has gained worldwide. However, immunosuppressive therapy, prevention of gestational complications, and the choice of delivery terms and methods are still disputable. This paper summarizes the experience with the management of pregnancy and childbirth in women after solid organ transplantation. The principles of pre-pregnancy planning, the management of pregnancy, and specific medical treatment are addressed considering international and authors’ findings. Potential prolongation of pregnancy until term which requires multidisciplinary approach to the management and delivery and specialized multitype hospital having specialists in the management of patients after transplantation to provide high-tech diagnostic and treatment care is quite possible. Until recently, adequate delivery terms, the need for delivery induction, delivery methods, and the safety of breastfeeding in women after transplantation are still disputable. Keywords: solid organ recipients, transplantation, pre-pregnancy planning, pregnancy, delivery, management, medical treatment, effects to the fetus. For citation: Lysenko M.A., Artyukhina L.Yu., Kokaya I.Yu. et al. The experience with management of pregnancy in women after solid organ transplantation in multidisciplinary hospitals. Russian Journal of Woman and Child Health. 2020;3(1):–30. DOI: 10.32364/2618-8430-2020-3-1-26-30.