Podium (Dec 2014)

Therapy with horse benefits to improve the austistic children socializacion in Sancti Spiritus equintherapy center

  • Raisa Yacel Jiménez García,
  • Ángel Luis Gómez Cardoso,
  • Jose Ignacio Ruíz Sánchez

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 3
pp. 293 – 304


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This research arises due to the necessity of facilitating the Physical Culture professionals a tool with the necessary elements for the educational attention to autistic scholars of "Efraín Alfonso Liriano" special school in Sancti Spíritus. The work was carried out by means of several methods of the theoretical, empiric and mathematical statistic levels; it was developed during the academic course 2011-2012; when it was preceded to the study of the work horses’ potentialities in order to develop social abilities in the autistic scholars of the mentioned school center, in the sessions of therapy with horses. The carried out diagnosis evidences the existence of countless potentialities that could favour the development of affective bonds, like empathy and communication among the scholars, as well as with the personnel of the equestrian center, all that in a enriching, stimulant, creative and playful environment in contact with the natural nature, what will stimulate the children capacities. It’s recommended continue the study of this therapy potentialities for this type of handicap, and the elaboration of alternatives or programs, like proposals of solution that facilitate the work in the several areas of these scholars development.
