SPERMOVA (Aug 2018)
Proceedings of the VI Peruvian Congress Animal Reproduction of the Asociación Peruana de Reproducción Animal (ASPRA), Cusco, Peru, September 5 to 7th, 2018.
We are pleased to formally present the Proceedings of the VI Peruvian Congress Animal Reproduction of the Asociación Peruana de Reproducción Animal (ASPRA). We hope you enjoy the meeting and take advantages of the opportunity to gain new scientific insights, renew friendships and make new contacts. The organizers are pleased with SPERMOVA editors and staff for the support of included abstract of our congress. Our goal of this publication of abstracts in English Language, is to encourage students and researchers the adoption of English as the universal language of science. Similar to the previous year, this event was planned considering both the Organizer Committee along with the members of Scientific Committee has brought together diverse topics and speakers to stimulate thoughts and discussion. In addition to the traditional plenary, we will have roundtables to discuss relevant issues are also part of the program. The abstracts were classified into 4 themes: 1. Application biotechnology 2. Spermatozoa function 3. Oocyte function 4. General diversity We also want to thank all the speakers who have agreed to attend this meeting and share their knowledge with us. My special thanks for all ASPRA Board and collaborators, whom have turned this meeting in to a reality.