Journal of Education and Health Promotion (Jan 2020)

Identification of dimensions and indicators of spiritual health: A qualitative study

  • Reza Ghanbari,
  • Mojgan Mohammadimehr

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 1
pp. 352 – 352


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INTRODUCTION: Spiritual health is considered one of the important dimensions of health and has been given serious attention by the scientific community, World Health Organization, health discourse, and medical education. However, despite these considerations, there is a controversy in defining the nature of this category and its dimensions and indicators. The purpose of this study is to identify the indicators and dimensions of spiritual health for medical students. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This qualitative study with exploratory approach utilized conventional content analysis and individual in-depth interviews with experts in the area of spiritual health and spirituality in medical sciences selected through purposeful sampling. The study was conducted at Aja University of Medical Sciences in Tehran in 2018. The semi-structured interview was a tool used to achieve data saturation, that interviewed with 19 experts. Member check, credibility, and reliability were measured to increase the validity and reliability of the results. Inductive content analysis was used for the analysis of data in three main phases: preparation, organization, and categories and creating categories. RESULTS: Based on the findings of the interviews, 52 indicators were identified.Then, the indicators of spiritual health were identified in the following four categories) relationship with God, relationship with himself, relationship with others, relation with the environment (and these categories were divided inthree dimentions (cognitive, attitudes and emotions, behavioral) CONCLUSION: The findings of the present study showed that in order to have spiritual health, it is important to pay attention to one's relationship with God and one's relationship with oneself, one's relationship with others, and one's relationship with the environment, and it is necessary to pay attention to it in medical science curricula.
