Open Geosciences (Dec 2015)
Using the geodetic and hydroacoustic measurements toinvestigate the bathymetric and morphometric parameters ofLake Hancza (Poland)
Most of the inland lakes do not have up-to-datebathymetry. However, a significant progress in surveyingtechnologies creates a possibility to quickly and accuratelydescribe the underwater environment. Modern geodeticand global positioning techniques integrated with hydroacousticsystems provide a great opportunity to study thebottom shape with high resolution. Our study presentsa reliable methodology for investigation of bathymetryand morphometric parameters with the use of GNSS positioningtechniques and single beam echosounder. Theresearch was implemented on the deepest, glacial reservoirin the central part of European Depression - LakeHancza. Direct hydroacoustic and geodetic measurementscompleted by sediment study were conducted by the authorsin 2010-2013. After performing a field survey the DigitalElevation Model was constructed and the new bathymetricmap and morphometric card were elaborated. Themaximum depth was confirmed to be 105.55 m. The finalconclusions show that the available bathymetric data andmorphometric parameters of lakes are highly dependenton the research methodology used, the precision and accuracyof measurement techniques, proper water level determination,digital elevation model and bathymetric mapelaboration processes.