Asian Journal of Andrology (Jan 2015)
Varicocele and testicular function
- Alexander W Pastuszak,
- Run Wang
- Alexander W Pastuszak
- Run Wang
- Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17,
no. 4
pp. 659 – 667
Testicular varicocele, a dilation of the veins of the pampiniform plexus thought to increase testicular temperature via venous congestion, is commonly associated with male infertility. Significant study has clarified the negative impact of varicocele on semen parameters and more recent work has shed light on its detrimental effects on the molecular and ultrastructural features of sperm and the testicular microenvironment, as well as more clearly defined the positive impacts of treatment on couples′ fertility. The relationship between varicocele and testicular endocrine function, while known for some time based on histologic evaluation, has become more apparent in the clinical setting with a growing link between varicocele and hypogonadism. Finally, in the pediatric setting, while future study will clarify the impact of varicocele on fertility and testicular function, recent work supports a parallel effect of varicocele in adolescents and adults, suggesting a re-evaluation of current treatment approaches in light of the progressive nature of the condition and potential increased risk of future disease.
- gene regulation
- Musashi
- Musashi-1
- Musashi-2
- posttranscriptional control
- RNA binding proteins
- spermatogenesis
- splicing
- testis
- translation
- cell fate
- cell stress
- importin
- karyopherin
- nucleocytoplasmic transport
- spermatid
- spermatocyte
- spermatogenesis
- artificial insemination
- biomarker
- fertility
- fertilization
- flow cytometry
- infertility
- nanotechnology
- oocyte activation
- Postacrosomal Sheath WWI Domain Binding Protein
- sperm
- thioredoxin
- ubiquitin
- ATP binding cassette transporters
- albumin
- high-density lipoprotein
- lipid rafts
- membrane fluidity
- membrane microdomains
- membrane packing
- oxysterols
- reverse cholesterol transport
- sterol transporters
- egg
- fertilization
- heat shock protein A2
- molecular chaperone
- sperm
- sperm-egg interactions
- dehydrogenases
- oxidases
- peroxiredoxins
- reactive oxygen species
- spermatozoa
- thiols
- thioredoxins
- antigen-presenting cells
- autoimmunity
- dendritic cells
- epididymis
- macrophages
- peripheral tolerance
- sperm maturation
- spermatozoa
- genomics
- male infertility
- proteomics
- sperm chromatin
- sperm epigenetics
- sperm DNA damage
- paternal genome
- offspring
- infertility
- chemotaxis
- rheotaxis
- sperm behavior
- sperm motility
- thermotaxis
- apoptosis
- reactive oxygen species
- sperm capacitation
- conservation
- cryobiology
- endangered species
- male fertility
- spermatozoa
- blood-testis barrier
- ectoplasmic specialization
- ezrin
- spermatogenesis
- testis
- hypogonadism
- Leydig cell
- male fertility
- oxidative stress
- Sertoli cell
- ultramorphology
- varicocele