Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (Jun 1972)
Exoftalmo unilateral por metástase orbitária de carcinoma de próstata Unilateral exophthalmos secondary to orbital metastatic carcinoma of the prostate: a case report
É relatado um caso de exoftalmo ou proptose unilateral direita, causado por metástase orbitária de carcinoma da próstata em paciente negro, na 6.ª década de vida, com evolução de 9 meses. O exame neuro-ocular revelou acentuada diminuição da agudeza visual, perturbação para visão de cores, perda da convergência, diminuição dos reflexos à luz e acomodação e restrição dos movimentos oculares. O paciente apresentava discreta disbasia esquerda por metástase no fêmur. Exames laboratoriais, radiológicos e a biópsia confirmaram a etiologia carcinomatosa da manifestação ocular.A case of right unilateral exophthalmos secondary to metastatic carcinoma of the prostate, in a 68 years old negro patient in which the ocular manifestation lasted 9 months is reported The extrinsic movements of the eye were limited. Pupils reacted slightly to light and accommodation. There was no ocular convergence. The vision of the right eye was blurred and there was mild color vision. The prostate was found to be petrous by touch specially in the right portion. The laboratory findings pointed to a prostatic carcinoma. Bone X-rays were strongly suggestive of metastatic tumour. The histological examination of the orbital tumour showed prostatic tumour cells.