电力工程技术 (Mar 2022)
Gaussian mixture model based optimal allocation of marine energy power generation resources
In order to make full use of marine renewable energy such as waves and tidal power generations,an optimal allocation method of marine energy power generation resources with the objective of optimal absorption rate is proposed for the island power grid. Firstly,Gaussian mixture model (GMM) is used to describe the random fluctuation of marine energy generation and generate the output scene. Secondly,the optimal allocation model of marine energy power generation resources for island power grid is constructed with the objective of optimal marine energy absorption rate. Then,the permeability,absorption rate and source-load matching degree are comprehensively analyzed to obtain the optimal allocation scheme. Finally,based on actual island load,wave and tidal current data,an example of optimal allocation of marine energy power resources is built,and the value range of permeability constraint in optimal allocation of resources is analyzed. The results show that the source-load matching degree increases at first and then decreases under different permeability constraints. Within the range of the optimal permeability constraint,there are little difference and same trend between the optimal configuration results of the GMM and the measured data scenes,which verify the effectiveness of the GMM to generate marine energy output scenes.