Nuevo mundo - Mundos Nuevos (Oct 2012)

Usos de la justicia eclesiástica y de la justicia real (Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz, Río de la Plata, s. XVIII)

  • Miriam S. Moriconi



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The article proposes an approach to the judicial administration at the parish level. This justice was required by the residents of the cities, towns or villages of the campaign to resolve the diverse issues. However, some ecclesiastical judges deserved the qualification of unscrupulous and their sentences were resisted and contested, mainly by those who could appeal to other instances or take your complaint to the secular justice. The proposed analytical starting point is an ongoing case in the ecclesiastical court of Santa Fe in 1714. From this case is discussed how the way to resolve a conflict eclipsed the reason for the appeal court found original and the substrate belligerent relations between the ecclesiastical judge and the accused, and the accumulation of rods justice (secular and ecclesiastical) in the same family. In addition to the wealth of information about the intimacies of a domestic like bringing the complainant and witnesses, analysis of the judicial process of examining the unequal resources and expertise of the agents at the time of function in the legal arena.
