Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия Акмеология образования: Психология развития (Jun 2024)

Transformation of pedagogical support in the digital age

  • Uvarina, Natalia V.,
  • Gorelova, Lyudmila I.

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 2
pp. 178 – 190


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The relevance of the research is due to the objective need to study the process of digital transformation and, as a result, to study pedagogical support as a phenomenon that has undergone signifi cant evolution in recent years due to the widespread integration of digital technology into educational contexts. Purpose: to generalize and analyze the research in the study fi eld, to present the experience, and to identify changes and trends in providing pedagogical support which is based on the use of digital technology in modern educati on. Methods (tools): comparative analysis of the data from scientifi c and bibliographic sources. Results. The modern scientifi c and pedagogical school is presented through the prism of research by E. A. Alexandrova, V. S. Basyuk, E. G. Vrublevskaya, E. O. Vorobchikova, N. D. V’yun, E. I. Kazakova, A. M. Moiseev, I. P. Tikhonovetskaya and others, which reveal strategic ideas for organizing pedagogical support in education. The study also analyzes the works by A. A. Andreev, V. P. Bespalko, V. V. Grinshkun, I. O. Petrishchev, and V. A. Pleshakov in the retrospective and perspective aspects. These works testify to the innovative potential of using digital resources in modern education. The present analysis reveals the challenges and limitations inherent in the digitalization process, including the digital gap, infrastructural and fi nancial limitations, as well as issues related to the data privacy and cybersecurity. Conclusion. The study presents a summary of research on providing pedagogical support in digital education. It off ers a comprehensive analysis of digital transformation in organizing pedagogical support. Practical signifi cance. Certain trends have been identifi ed that can contribute to making well-grounded decisions and strategic planning in order to improve the results of organizing the educational process.
