Journal of Contemporary Islam and Muslim Societies (Feb 2021)

JÂWÎ REFERENCE IN ISLAMIC LAW COMPILATION: An Introduction to al-Qawânîn al-Syar‘iyyah by Sayyid Usman

  • Radinal Mukhtar Harahap,
  • Fajar Syarif

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 2
pp. 175 – 203


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Abstrak: Tulisan ini menjelaskan proses kontruksi yang terjadi dalam formulasi hukum Islam berwujud Kompilasi Hukum Islam (KHI) dengan mengenal referensi jâwî yang digunakannya yaitu al-Qawânîn al-Syar‘iyyah karya Sayyid Usman. Fokusnya dengan menjawab dua pertanyaan yaitu bagaimana kedudukannya sebagai pedoman para hakim di sekitar akhir abad ke-19 dan awal abad ke-20, dan bagaimana kandungan hukum di dalamnya. Berbasis content-analysis yang didekati lewat sejarah sosial hukum Islam, ditemukan bahwa kontruksi terlihat dari kedudukan referensi jâwî tersebut sebagai pedoman hakim Pengadilan Agama selain pelestari tulisan jâwî dari Ulama Nusantara, dan peneguh kekokohan mazhab Syâfi’î sebagai mazhab mayoritas masyarakat Indonesia. Kontruksi dapat dilihat juga dari kandungannya yang membahas perihal kebutuhan masyarakat saat itu kepada tata aturan penegakan hukum Islam di Indonesia -hingga kontruksi bangunannya dengan tidak melupakan bahwa materi hukum yang bersumber dari kitab-kitab otoritatif juga mesti dikedepankan tanpa menafikan adat kebiasaan negeri yang terpuji atau tegasnya kearifan lokal. Kata Kunci: Al-Qawânîn al-Syar‘iyyah, Hukum Islam, Sejarah Abstract: This study describes the construction process that occured in the formulation of Islamic law in the form of Islamic Law Compilation (Kompilasi Hukum Islam/KHI) by recognizing the use of jâwî reference, namely al-Qawânîn al-Syar‘iyyah by Sayyid Usman. This study focuses on answering two questions, i.e. how was the position of this compilation as a guide for judges in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and what was the content of the law in it? Based on content-analysis approached by the social history of Islamic law, the writers find that the construction can be seen from the position of the jâwî reference as a guideline for Religious Court judges apart from being preserver of jâwî writings from the ulama in Archipelago, as well as affirming the robustness of the madhhab Shâfi‘î as the majority in Indonesian. The construction can also be seen from its content which discusses the needs of the community at that time for the order of Islamic law in Indonesia-as well as its structure in the form of legal material sourced from authoritative books which must also be put forward without denying the praiseworthy customs of the country or the strictness of local wisdom. Keywords: Al-Qawânîn al-Syar‘iyyah, Islamic law, history