Space Weather (Jun 2024)
Measurements of Cosmic Rays by a Mini‐Neutron Monitor at Neumayer III From 2014 to 2017
Abstract A mini‐neutron monitor (MNM) was installed at the German Antarctic Neumayer III station, measuring the variation of galactic cosmic rays and searching for Forbush Decreases (FDs) caused by solar activities. Running continuously from 2014 until the end of 2017, the long‐term stability of the detector could be investigated. After correcting the air pressure and normalization to the 27 days running mean averages of the SANAE and TERA Neutron Monitors (NMs), the daily running mean count rates are compared with the SANAE and TERA NMs also installed in Antarctica. For most of the 14 FDs with magnitudes greater than 3, taken from the list compiled by the IZMIRAN group (, the three detectors show consistent particle flux variation, although the average rate of the MNM is more than a hundred times smaller. The light and low‐cost MNM is an ideal alternative to heavy and old NMs, especially at high altitudes and remote environments.