Salud Pública de México (Feb 2022)
Developing a collaborative international partnership for cancer control in Mexico
In 2014, a partnership was established between the University of California and Mexico, which subsequently catalyzed formation of collaborations between cancer researchers at University of California, San Francisco and in Mexico. Over the past two decades cancer burden has dramatically increased in Mexicans on both sides of the California - Mexico border. Together, we face a growing burden of cancer in the context of globalized economies, diverse migration patterns, and dynamic immigration policies. Our partnership aims to: (1) understand the life course impact of cancer risk factors and interactions with changing environments; (2) address cancer disparities within Mexico, in Mexican migrants to the United States, and in naturalized Mexican-Americans; and (3) identify effective cancer screening strategies and cancer control policies that are tailored to existing healthcare systems and social and cultural factors. Herein, we describe the principles of partnership and early successes and challenges of this collaboration.