Fanāvarī-i āmūzish (Sep 2023)
Exploring the elements of educational model for connectivism teaching-learning environment
Background and Objectives: In recent years, the emergence of information and communication technology has affected the world of education. As some experts believe, the previous methods, models and theories of learning and education are not able to explain learning and education in this era. Connectivism theory is one of the new theories of the digital age that tries to explain learning from a different perspective. The purpose of this research was to explore the elements of a suitable educational model based on connectivism in teaching and learning.Methods: The research was qualitative in terms of paradigm and among the types of qualitative research, it was qualitative content analysis. The research population included original research articles related to connectivism teaching and learning for the last 10 years (from the beginning of 2013 to the end of 2022) available in 4 databases (1) Eric (2) Emerald Insight (3) Springer (4) Science Direct. There were 592 articles, which were reduced to 194 articles after the initial review of the abstract and full text in two stages and the removal of irrelevant items. After organizing the remaining articles and using targeted sampling, 28 of these articles were analyzed, and due to the repetition of the obtained codes and the achievement of theoretical saturation, the analysis of the remaining articles of the studied population was stopped. Free coding with inductive approach was used to analyze the texts.Findings: From the content of the analyzed works, three layers called "theoretical and technological foundations", "principles and assumptions of connectivism" and "learning networks" were extracted as the main components for a connectivism-oriented learning environment. The first layer included 14 theories, approaches, movements and technological developments as sub-components. Each of these theories, movements and approaches with their principles and assumptions had aa direct and an indirect influence on the next layers. The second layer was related to the general and specific principles, characteristics and assumptions about knowledge, learning and network phenomena, and its sub-components contain facts that strongly affected the executive layer of the connectivism-oriented environment, and the learning environment was designed based on this. It distinguished the theory from other theories. In this layer, four sub-components with the titles (1) connectivism principles of Siemens and others (2) connectivism assumptions about learning (3) connectivism assumptions about knowledge (4) features and principles of the network/learning environment were also identified. In the third layer, there were networks, each network had 9 sub-components :(1) types of tasks, actions and learning activities (in 6 overlapping forms of cooperation, interaction, evaluation, communication, involvement and participation) (2) the role of the teacher (3) the role of the student (4) the place of learning (5) the stages/steps of learning (6) the levels of learning (7) the required skills (8) the materials/resources/appendices/media or nodes learning, and (9) building new networks.Conclusion: The results of the research showed that the connectivism-oriented learning environment is an open, non-targeted, chaotic environment that lacks an organized framework and fixed elements. Two theoretical levels and basic assumptions as layers influence the operational environment of connectivism learning. Theories, as the first layer, are the theoretical and technological foundations of connectivism, which dominate the other two layers like an umbrella and determine the assumptions and activities of this environment. The assumptions and principles of connectivism, which are considered as the second layer of this environment, affect the third layer and determine the framework and types of scientific activities of this environment.