Avances en Supervisión Educativa (Jun 2014)

Secondary education teachers point of view on the departments in the state high schools of the Autonomous Community of Aragón. A field research carried out by education inspectors

  • Ramón Cortés Arrese,
  • Ángel Lorente Lorente

Journal volume & issue
no. 21


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In the years 2005-2006 to 2007-2008 the Education Inspectorate in Aragón provided a series of facts with their field research and reports on the organization and functioning of the academic departments in public High Schools and the cycle teams in Pre-Primary and Primary Schools. In 2005 a group of education inspectors carried out a research in a sample of secondary schools in Huesca and Zaragoza provinces, whose facts are made public because they are fully valid at present. These facts revealed, corroborated with other studies, typical dynamics of the organizational tradition and the work culture of the secondary schools teachers, together with emerging changes in the way the teacher collaboration in High Schools was carried out since the nineties. These days, once the Education Act 8/2013 for the improvement of education quality (LOMCE) has been promulgated, a new reading of the 2005 research conclusions emphasises new challenges for the Education Inspectorate in Aragón, whose intervention in the academic departments is getting better since the year of the study that is being presented just now.
