SoftwareX (Dec 2023)
EASYMORE: A Python package to streamline the remapping of variables for Earth System models
The Earth System modeling community uses different methods to discretize a landscape in model elements, such as square grids, triangles, or irregular shapes. Mapping data from one spatial configuration to another is an essential part of environmental modeling, and can be time-consuming and cumbersome. In this work, we present a Python package called EASYMORE. EASYMORE stands for EArth SYstem MOdeling REmapper and enables users to quickly and efficiently remap variables, such as precipitation or temperature, from one spatial representation (e.g., unstructured grids) to another (e.g., sub-basins). The package is aimed to increase the efficiency of data preparation for Earth System modeling in a reproducible and transparent manner. The remapped variables, provided in netCDF or CSV formats, can then be used directly or changed to the format needed for intended uses. This manuscript presents examples that show various applications of EASYMORE.