Babali Nursing Research (Oct 2023)
Analysis of Leadership Internal Control and Employee Commitment on Employee Performance
Introduction: Hospital is an organization or health institution that is responsible for the provision of health services ranging from basic and specialty medical services that are quality, effective, efficient, accountable and oriented to customer satisfaction. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of leadership, internal control and employee commitment on employee performance at Gemolong Hospital. Methods: Observational research design with a cross-sectional approach. The population of all employees at RSUD dr. Soeratno Gemolong Sragen Regency was 295 respondents. The sample was 170 respondents with proportional to size technique. Independent variables are leadership, internal control, and employee commitment. The dependent variable is employee performance. The research instrument used a questionnaire that was carried out validity and reliability. The analysis used is univariate and multivariate analysis with linear regression using SPSS 23. Research ethics Number: 000168/EC/KEPK/I/05/2023. Results: Linear regression tests conducted showed there was a relationship between leadership for the head of the room (p=0.007), leadership for the director (p=0.004), internal supervision (p=0.000) and employee commitment (p=0.011) to employee performance. Multivariate analysis showed that the influential variable was internal supervision with a significance level of p=0.000 and B=0.518. Conclusion: The results of the research conducted are expected to be input to the hospital to increase motivation and internal supervision to improve the quality of hospital services in the eyes of the community.