AR-RIAYAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar (Jun 2022)

Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Terbatas pada Siswa MIN di Era Covid-19: Respon Orang Tua Siswa

  • Imaludin Agus,
  • Nur Isra Rasid

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 1
pp. 1 – 16


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Due to the fact that the practice of online learning in Islamic elementary school students is considered ineffective, the government has issued a policy to implement face-to-face learning with limiting setting (PTMT) during the outbreak. This study aims to investigate the response of parents of students at MIN 1 Kolaka Utara regarding the implementation of such policy. This study employs a descriptive quantitative approach with 160 respondents who were selected purposively. Research data was collected through using an open questionnaire by google form. The result uncovered that 95% of the parents agreed that online learning was ineffective due to students easily getting bored studying at home, the difficulty of students to understand the material, and the eagerness of students to back to school. 3.1% of the parents were hesitant to such policy because of the existing of COVID-19 cases, the questionable PTMT, the doubtful compliance with health protocols, and lack of information about covid-19. And 1.9% of the parents disagreed with the policy because there are still cases of covid-19, PTMT was carried out in shifts setting, and most citizens are still unwilling to comply with health protocols. According to parent's response, the implementation of the PTMT has advantages such as the existing of interaction between students and teacher, the ease of understanding the material, and the high motivation of students to learn. However, PTMT has drawbacks. The implementation of class learning is still limited, the learning applies a shift system, students are still learning independently, and health protocols are not optimal to comply. In general, as much 49.3% of the parents considered the PTMT should be continued, 6.9% of them agreed on the PTMT should not be implemented, and (43.8%) suggested another method like blended learning to apply.
