Türk Kültürü ve Hacı Bektaş Velî Araştırma Dergisi (Sep 2023)
In this study, is given brief information about three of the oldest dervish lodges identified in Kosovo and their affiliations. These lodges are affiliated with Bektashi, Halveti and Qadiri orders. Other orders were specified only by their names and number of lodges affiliated to them. The backbone of the study is a notebook belonging to Sheikh Mehmed Sezâî. The notebook in question, which was opened vertically, was discovered by the authors of the study during a visit to the Kadirî Lodge of Pristina in 2013. The work, which was allowed to be scanned at the time of its detection, was transcribed a few years later. It was understood that it was a periodical containing verse text belonging to different poets. Determining that there was no criterion in the selection of the verse texts included in the notebook and noticing occasional spelling errors, it was concluded that this notebook was a poetry compilation book. Since some words unique to Old Anatolian Turkish were used in the poems written as Nazîre (parallel, imitation) although these poems belonging to Sezâî were written in the 20th century, the orthography was adhered to during transcription; therefore, no study was carried out to adapt it to the phonetic features of 20th century Turkey Turkish, especially in the field of derivational and inflectional affixes. In the analysis after transcription, we have given brief information about the form and content of the book, besides some linguistic and orthographic features of Sezâî's poems and emphasis on some concepts used. Only a few of his poems, which were determined to belong to Sezâî in this book, were selected and included in the study. Not all of the poems were included in the study as this would exceed the limits of this paper.