Al Ameen Journal of Medical Sciences (Jan 2019)
To assess the effectiveness of digital Edu system vs Conventional teaching programme on knowledge regarding cardio pulmonary resuscitation among school students - A pre-post study
Introduction: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is performed in hospitals by emergency response professionals. Bystander CPR can improve survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest by 2 to 3 folds. Widespread CPR training is essential to reduce morbidity and mortality rates from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. There is a need for evaluation of applicability and effectiveness of conventional and Digital methods of instructional strategies to teach CPR skills. Objective: To assess which teaching method is more effective, Digital Edu System or conventional teaching to improve knowledge regarding CPR among secondary school Students. Methodology: A Pre-post study was conducted among 60 students of IX std, They were divided into two groups of 30 each. Both the groups were given education on CPR using Digital Edu system in one group and conventional teaching programme in another group. The students in both the groups were evaluated three times i.e. Pre-Test, Post- Test, Retention Test using identical pretested structured questionnaire consisting of 22 multiple choice questions. Data analysis was done by using Paired t Test. Results: A comparison of mean knowledge score of both groups showed that Conventional Teaching (18.33) was more effective than Digital Teaching (13.37). Conclusion: The Results highlight the necessity and effectiveness of face-to-face instructional methods in teaching psychomotor skills of CPR.