Future Internet (May 2024)
Validation of Value-Driven Token Economy: Focus on Blockchain Content Platform
This study explores the architectural framework of a value-driven token economy on a blockchain content platform and critically evaluates the relationship between blockchain’s decentralization and sustainable economic practices. The existing literature often glorifies the rapid market expansion of cryptocurrencies but overlooks how underlying blockchain technology can fundamentally enhance content platforms through a more structured user engagement and equitable reward system. This study proposes a new token economy architecture by adopting the triple-bottom -line (TBL) framework and validates its practicality and effectiveness through an analytic-hierarchy-process (AHP) survey of industry experts. The study shows that the most influential factor in a successful token economy is not profit maximization but fostering a user-centric community where engagement and empowerment are prioritized. This shift can be expected to combine blockchain technology with meaningful economic innovation by challenging traditional profit-driven business models and refocusing on sustainability and user value.