Florida Public Health Review (Aug 2015)

Life, Career, and Graduate School – Challenge and Opportunity for Students

  • Robert J. McDermott

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12
pp. 58 – 59


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Since 2007 I have had the opportunity to teach Writing for Scholarly Publication as part of the Population Health Summer Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health. In a course so brief (five three-hour meetings over a period of 10 days), finding topics through which students can develop their writing talent and complete a publishable paper is an arduous task. Two years ago, students prepared commentaries about why they were (or were not) worried about their future as public health professionals, and four of these short essays were published in the Florida Public Health Review, as they had application for students facing similar concerns in Florida and elsewhere. This year I share some essays from graduate students on the challenge of balancing school, family, career, and other demands of life – another common thread for those pursuing advanced study in public health and related fields.