Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia (Dec 2011)
Manifestações clínicas, radiológicas e laboratoriais em indivíduos com tuberculose pulmonar: estudo comparativo entre indivíduos HIV positivos e HIV negativos internados em um hospital de referência Clinical, radiological, and laboratory characteristics in pulmonary tuberculosis patients: comparative study of HIV-positive and HIV-negative inpatients at a referral hospital
OBJETIVO: Comparar as manifestações clínicas, radiológicas e laboratoriais de indivíduos com tuberculose pulmonar coinfectados com HIV com aqueles sem a coinfecção. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, no qual sinais e sintomas foram analisados por meio de anamnese e exame físico em pacientes internados com tuberculose pulmonar. A baciloscopia, a cultura para Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a dosagem de hemoglobina e a contagem de células T CD4+ foram obtidas de registros dos prontuários, assim como os laudos das radiografias de tórax. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 50 pacientes com tuberculose pulmonar, que foram divididos em dois grupos (HIV positivo e HIV negativo; n = 25 por grupo). A média de idade dos participantes foi de 38,4 ± 10,5 anos, 46 (92%) eram do sexo masculino, e 27 (54%) eram caucasianos. Apresentaram expectoração 21 (84%) e 13 (52%) dos pacientes nos grupos HIV negativo e HIV positivo, respectivamente (p = 0,016). Achados radiológicos de cavitação estavam presentes em 10 (43%) e 2 (10%) dos pacientes nos grupos HIV negativo e HIV positivo, respectivamente (p = 0,016), ao passo que padrão intersticial estava presente em 18 (78%) e 8 (40%) dos pacientes nesses grupos (p = 0,012). O nível médio de hemoglobina foi de 11,1 ± 2,9 g/dL e 9,3 ± 2,2 g/dL nos grupos HIV negativo e HIV positivo, respectivamente (p = 0,015). CONCLUSÕES: Entre pacientes coinfectados com tuberculose e HIV desta amostra, houve menor prevalência de expectoração, foram menos frequentes os achados radiológicos de cavitação e de padrão intersticial, e os níveis de hemoglobina foram mais baixos do que naqueles sem essa coinfecção.OBJECTIVE: To compare clinical, radiological, and laboratory characteristics of individuals with pulmonary tuberculosis co-infected or not with HIV. METHODS: A cross-sectional study, in which signs and symptoms were assessed by anamnesis and physical examination in patients hospitalized with pulmonary tuberculosis. The results of sputum smear microscopy and culture for Mycobacterium tuberculosis, as well as hemoglobin levels and CD4+ T-cell counts, were obtained from medical records, and chest X-ray reports were consulted. RESULTS: We included 50 pulmonary tuberculosis patients, who were divided into two groups (HIV-positive and HIV-negative; n = 25 per group). The mean age of the participants was 38.4 ± 10.5 years; 46 (92%) were males; and 27 (54%) were White. Expectoration was presented by 21 (84%) and 13 (52%) of the patients in the HIV-negative and HIV-positive groups, respectively (p = 0.016). Radiological findings of cavitation were present in 10 (43%) and 2 (10%) of the patients in the HIV-negative and HIV-positive groups, respectively (p = 0.016), whereas an interstitial pattern was observed in 18 (78%) and 8 (40%), respectively (p = 0.012). The mean hemoglobin level was 11.1 ± 2.9 g/dL and 9.3 ± 2.2 g/dL in the HIV-negative and HIV-positive groups, respectively (p = 0.015). CONCLUSIONS: In our sample of tuberculosis patients, expectoration was less prevalent, hemoglobin levels were lower, and cavitation was less common, as was an interstitial pattern, among those co-infected with HIV than among those without HIV co-infection.