Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP ()

Work process of river family health teams from the perspective of Primary Care managers

  • Maura Cristiane e Silva Figueira,
  • Dalvani Marques,
  • Maria Filomena Gouveia Vilela,
  • Jennifer Bazílio,
  • Jéssica de Aquino Pereira,
  • Eliete Maria Silva



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Abstract Objective: To analyze the work process carried out by the river family health strategy teams in a municipality in the Amazon region through the perception of the managers. Method: An evaluative study with a qualitative approach. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with managers of Primary Healthcare, document analysis and participant observation of the work by content analysis. Results: Seven managers participated. Two thematic categories stood out: “Knowledge and practices in the work process of river teams” and “Reports of successful practice experiences”. Conclusion: Integrated work and team autonomy are present in the work process; successful practices are encouraged, as well as the use of light and hard-light technologies.
