Економічний вісник Державного вищого навчального закладу Український державний хіміко-технологічний університет (Dec 2020)

Aspects of electronic processes in a pandemic condition

  • Kanishchenko O.,
  • Chupryna N.,
  • Sazonova V.,
  • Kovalova M.,
  • Chernysheva O.

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 2
pp. 104 – 112


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The main aspects of electronic processes in a pandemic, their features are considered in the article origin, existence and application, the world economy is studied in a pandemic. The impact of quarantine restrictions, both in Ukraine and in other countries of the world, have left their mark on economic performance of the enterprise, its efficiency, sales, and this all might not have affected the main macroeconomic indicators of the country. But, at this time, on economic space the startups come out with a fundamentally new look at economic processes and become successful precisely due to the scale of pandemics. A striking example of such an enterprise is a company which brought Zoom program to the market and has a daily audience of more than 10 million consumers. It should be noted that business processes are massively moving to the on-line space and use email marketing tools. In this regard, marketers and analysts are constantly improving their skills in using programs such as Google Analytics, Apps Advertising when setting up ads on social networks Fb and Instagram, Pixel Fb, Ads Manager, UTM tags and others. With the growing demand for the quality and number of offered functions, these programs are constantly updated and improving, meeting the needs of the market and leading the competition in this niche. Advertising companies of manufacturers and sellers of services / products massively moved to the Internet space. Due to the massive transition to on-line consumers, who, being at home, can visit on-line shops and make purchases thanks to electronic bank cards. Increase in advertising costs in 2020 has grown significantly. The use of targeted advertising (targeting) allowed us to optimize the advertising costs and narrow down ad impressions only to the selected target audience. The possibilities of detailed targeting in Fb allowed us to reach the target audience anywhere in the world or on a neighboring street, that is, such advertising can be global as well as and local. Thanks to this, you can optimally determine the budget of the advertising company, change advertising costs depending on the effectiveness of the advertising company, as well as calculate КРІ. This is possible thanks to the functions which provide analytical Internet systems: tracking the number of leads and conversions for each advertising company.
