Open Physics
(Feb 2012)
Structure and properties of solid solutions in the Mg-Al-B system
- Sevastyanova Ludmila,
- Gulish Olga,
- Stupnikov Vladimir,
- Genchel Vladimir,
- Kravchenko Oleg,
- Bulychev Boris,
- Lunin Roman,
- Tarasov Valeriy
- Sevastyanova Ludmila
- Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University, 119992, Moscow, Russia
- Gulish Olga
- Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University, 119992, Moscow, Russia
- Stupnikov Vladimir
- Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University, 119992, Moscow, Russia
- Genchel Vladimir
- Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University, 119992, Moscow, Russia
- Kravchenko Oleg
- Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University, 119992, Moscow, Russia
- Bulychev Boris
- Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University, 119992, Moscow, Russia
- Lunin Roman
- Department of Physics, Moscow State University, 119992, Moscow, Russia
- Tarasov Valeriy
- Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii pr. 31, 119991, Moscow, Russia
- Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10,
no. 1
– 196
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