Revue Internationale de Pédagogie de l’Enseignement Supérieur (Dec 2024)
Vers un référentiel de compétences de l’enseignant chercheur en méthodologie et encadrement de recherche
Teaching research methodology at the university is a challenge for instructors, particularly when the university lacks an appropriate competency framework. Six faculty researchers from the Lebanese University and the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers of Lebanon, facing difficulties in teaching methodology and supervising research, volunteered to create a community of practice with the purpose of professional development and improving their practices. This article aims to develop a Competency Framework in Methodology and Research Supervision to assist these instructors in addressing their challenges. Guided by experts from the Teaching Support Center at the University of Lausanne, these instructors individually chose to pursue a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning approach, and as a community of practice, they opted for individual and collective reflexivity on their professional practices, while drawing on competency frameworks and references related to research methodology. The validation of the framework was conducted through self-assessment within the community and validation by five external specialists. This framework will serve as a guide for instructors and research supervisors, contributing to the revision of training programs in universities. Research on the impact of implementing the framework on students' knowledge acquisition and teachers' skill development will complement this work.