NBP: Nauka, bezbednost, policija (Jan 2017)
Analysis of criminal behaviour of serial perpetrators of the crime of rape
Bearing in mind the fact that criminal behaviour is conditioned by the action of both cognitive and conative factors, the basic assumption we have started from in the research was that in the individual series the rapists had shown a clear individual variability in certain sequences of the crime. In this sense, the paper presents the analysis of three individual series of rapes, which has included two components or manifestations of behaviour: “modus operandi” and criminal “signature”. The data from the Department for the prevention of homicide and sexual offences of the Criminal Police, the Police Directorate for the City of Belgrade, have been used in the paper. These data have included pieces of information for three multiple perpetrators of the crime of rape, aged 30, 21 and 25 respectively at the time they committed crime. The results of the analysis have shown that in the individual series the rapists repeated certain patterns of behaviour during the approach phase, the phase of attack and sexual conduct. However, in terms of operational significance, we are of the opinion that only the information related to sexual behaviour of the rapist to the victim can be considered the characteristic pattern of behaviour, from at least a couple of reasons. Firstly, the relationship between treatment and sexual fantasy is two-way. The sexual activity of a rapist comes from his fantasy, since it determines his behaviour. Secondly, sexual fantasy is vitalized only through the way in which the rapist treats the victim. Finally, the sexual behaviour is symbolic rather than functional, and is therefore unique.