Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Oct 2019)

The Association between Preeclampsia and Newborn Hearing Loss

  • Siti R. Nanin,
  • Ansyori Hatta,
  • Alibasyah A. Chakra,
  • Ghanie Abla,
  • Legiran Legiran



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Objective: to analyze the relationship between PE and the newborn hearing loss Method : Analytic observation research withcross sectionaldesign performed inRSMHPalembangsince December 2016 to July 2017, obtained 48 aterm neonates born from mother diagnosed with PE (11 PE and 37 severe PE). Measurements of neonatal hearing loss then performed using emission otoacoustics (OAE) in both ears by ENT division with catagories intepretation of pass and refer. The mothers were physically check and interviewed to obtain demographic data and obstetric history. After the data normality were proved byShapiro Wilktest, we performed bivariate analysis using X2test on demographic and obstetric characteristics of the mother, neonatal demographic characteristics, and determine the relationship of PE with OAE result. The ratio of systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure to neonatal hearing loss was determined by independent T test and ROC test. Multivariate analysis was performed to determine the maternal and neonatal risk factors that influenced neonatal hearing loss. Data analysis using SPSS version 18.0. Results : There were no significant differences in maternal and neonatal demographic characteristics in neonatal hearing loss (p> 0.05). No significant relationship was found between PE and OAE of both ear (right, p = 0,437; left, p = 0,368). There was difference of mean of SBP and DBP of mother inneonate OAE of both ears (p 106 mmHg) of the mother and birth weight of the fetus (0,05). Tidak ditemukan hubungan signfikan antara kondisi PE dengan OAE kanan (p = 0,437) dan kiri (p = 0,368). Ditemukan perbedaan rerata TDS dan TDD ibu terhadap OAE kedua telinga neonatus (p106 mmHg) ibu dan berat lahir janin (>2500 gr) dengan OAE refer. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara penurunan pendengaran neonatus dengan kondisi preeklampsia ibu, yang ditentukan terutama oleh TDD ibu, serta berat lahir bayi. Kata kunci:, OAE, preeklamsia, tekanan darah