Journal of Curriculum Studies (Mar 2021)
國小教師因應混齡教學之實踐與省思探究:以國語科為例 The Process and Reflection of Elementary Teachers’ Strategies to Cope with Multiage Teaching: A Case Study of Mandarin Classes
面對少子化的壓力,混齡教學是許多偏鄉學校亟需面對的教育議題。本研究 旨在探究國小教師第一年實施國語科混齡教學的上、下學期階段,其教學目標、 教材內容、教學方法與評量所產生的改變,以及面對的教學問題。本研究為質性取向,資料的蒐集包括個案教師訪談、課室觀察、聚會討論與教師教學省思等,研究進行的時間為期11個月。研究結果顯示:混齡教學實施一學期後,教師在國語科教材會以統整或自編教材來取代原有的教科書,教學方法會依上課內容與目標來進行調整,評量上則會呈現學生年級與程度的差異性。而混齡教材內容如何符合學生需求、教學方法如何因應學生不同的學習特質,以及學生學習成效如何客觀評量等,都必須透過提升教師的專業知能才能有效因應混齡教學所面對的問題。 The issue of multiage teaching has received considerable critical attention in rural school with effect of low child birth rate. The study investigated elementary school teachers’ changes and difficulties on teaching goals, contents, teaching methods, and evaluation in Mandarin class during their first year (including last and next semester) in multiage teaching. Qualitative measures was adopted. Data for this study were collected from interviews, classroom observation, discussion in conference, and teaching reflection in eleven months. Results of this study revealed that teachers tend to substitute compiled course material for traditional text books in Mandarin class after multiage teaching for one semester. Apart from differentiated evaluation based on students’ age differences and learning performances, teaching strategies are also adjusted to suit the objects and contents. Multiage teaching in Mandarin class still poses many challenges, such as contents to meet students’ requirements, teaching methods to fit students’ learning characteristics, and evaluation to objectively assess students’ growth, many of which can be overcome by professional dialogue and experience sharing of learning communities.