SAGE Open Nursing (Feb 2019)
Perceptions of What Is Important for Appetite—An Interview Study With Older People Having Food Distribution
The proportion of older people in the population increases and more and more continue living in their own homes. Appetite among the elderly people is important to their nutrition and health. The increased risk of unintended weight loss and malnutrition is linked to food distribution among home-living elderly people. The aim was to describe experiences and perceptions of what matters to appetite among home-living elderly people having food distribution. The design was qualitative where interview data were collected among 13 interviewees in 2017 to 2018. Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The results are presented in three domains: the food, the meal situation, and the adaptation to meal service with categories and themes responding to each domain. The six themes related to appetite among the elderly people concerned the following: eating tasty, savory, and culturally adapted food; eating healthy and sustainable food; eating alone or together with others; eating in a pleasant meal environment; having choices to make about the meal; and last, accepting disabilities and increased dependency. One conclusion is that many aspects should be taken into consideration when promoting appetites of people who also get food distribution. It is highly individual and an understanding of which aspects are relevant must be considered; consequently, person-centered care is suggested to promote appetite.