Insights into Imaging (Mar 2020)
Assessment of early damage of endometrium after artificial abortion by shear wave elastography
Abstract Objectives This study aimed to investigate the application of shear wave elastography (SWE) in the early damage detection through assessing the endometrial elasticity after artificial abortion. Methods A total of nulliparous women (20–30 years) who received ultrasonography in our hospital were recruited between January 2017 and December 2017. These women were divided into normal control group (NC; n = 65), after once artificial abortion group (AOAA; n = 68), after twice artificial abortion group (ATAA; n = 61), and after three times or more (range, 3–6) artificial abortion group (ATTMAA; n = 60). SWE was performed to evaluate the endometrium; Young’s modulus of the endometrium was determined and then the endometrial thickness was measured. Results Young’s modulus of the endometrium increased in the order of NC group, AOAA group, ATAA group, and ATTMAA group, and Young’s modulus increased with the increase in the number of artificial abortions (p 0.05). Conclusions SWE increases with increasing number of abortions, which may indicate the damage that is done to the endometrium earlier than measurement of the endometrial thickness do.